When an out-of-phase sound from the back of the custom speaker box is combined with an in-phase sound from the front of the speaker driver, the primary objective of a speaker enclosure is to lessen or otherwise control the effects of the combination of the two types of sounds. The design of a speaker enclosure has a considerable influence on the sound that is generated by the speaker. A number of characteristics, including enclosure resonance, edge diffraction, standing waves inside the enclosure, and others all contribute to the sound that is produced.
Benefits of Custom Speaker box
- Showcase your audio equipment within bespoke speaker boxes to encourage potential buyers to make a purchase from you.
- Although having a speaker that is of high quality and will last for a long time as well as distinctive packaging is sufficient to generate some sales, you can increase those sales significantly by going one step further with your boxes by making them more memorable to customers for a longer period of time.
- A box that has been appropriately branded with the brand name prominently displayed, brilliant colors, and product illustrations will not only attract the attention of prospective customers but will also stick in their memories for a long time.
- If you sell audio equipment such as vehicle stereos, subwoofers, or other types of sound systems, having the highest quality voice emitting devices on the market is not enough to encourage people to purchase your product rather than one of your competitors’. In point of fact, the packaging of your product should likewise convey to buyers the same sense of distinction and great acoustic capacity.
- This is only possible with custom speaker packaging boxes that contain all of the information about your product. This allows you to provide your customers with an easy pick and makes it easier for them to make a decision. You should have the operating instructions, input and output power, and other technical details about your speakers carefully added on these custom-designed boxes. This will give your customers an easy way to pick through the information that is provided and will convince them that the product is the right one to fulfill their audio listening needs and buy it from a wholesale website.
- Medium density fiberboard, sometimes known as MDF, is typically used in the construction of carpeted or upholstered custom designed speaker boxes. After determining the required volume and the proper vent dimensions for the box if it is to be ported, the enclosure is painstakingly constructed, all of the joints are sealed, and any internal bracing that is required for additional strength is finished if it is required. Sometimes the mounting surface for the subwoofer will be designed unusually thick in order to offer more stiffness for exceptionally heavy and powerful subwoofers that need the additional box strength. This is done for the purpose of providing extra support for the subwoofer. We want the box that the subwoofer is housed in to be as stiff and sturdy as possible so that the subwoofer’s bass energy may be put to better use by moving air and producing tremendous sound pressure for amazing bass, rather than merely shaking the box itself.